Top Plant Liberation Activist Faces Rendition To US Over Harmless Marijuana Seeds
We get amazing footage as the US DEA Witchhunt for Marc Emery comes to a close as well as we see live the Official loss of Canadian Sovereignty.
Much more coming.....this is a taste of what went down.
This is a witchhunt and a political assassination attempt on a peaceful activist.
We want our sovereignty back and ask the US DEA to concentrate their resources elsewhere. ie hard drugs/meth/crack.
Start off by investigating the CIA.
check out
1) Contact the Justice Minister of Canada, Rob Nicholson, and tell him to refuse the extradition order for Marc Emery.
Phone: (613) 992-4621 and (613) 957-4222
Fax: (613) 990-7255 and (613) 954-0811
Email: webadmin@justice.gc.ca
Mail: Room 105, East Block House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
2) Contact the Canadian Minister of Public Safety, Peter Van Loan, and tell him that if Marc Emery applies for a prison transfer from the USA to Canada, that the Minister should approve right away.
Phone: (613) 991-2924
Fax: (613) 954-5186
Email: communications@ps.gc.ca
Mail: 269 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P8
3) Contact your Member of Parliament in Canada, or your Representative in the US Congress, to let them know about Marc Emerys situation and why you and thousands of other voters want Marc to be free in his home country Canada.
Canada: http://webinfo.parl.gc.ca
USA: http://www.house.gov
4) Contact Judge Ricardo Martinez in Seattle, Washington and tell him that he should let Marc Emery return home to Canada with a no-prison sentence instead of the 5-year term in the plea deal.
Mail: Honorable Ricardo S. Martinez
U.S. Courthouse
700 Stewart Street, Suite 13134
Seattle, WA
5) Contact President Barack Obama and tell him that he should pardon Canadian citizen Marc Emery and let him return home to Canada.
Phone: (202) 456-1414 (switchboard) and (202) 456-1111 (comments)
Fax: (202) 456-2461
Mail: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
6) Contact the media and express your concern about Marc Emery facing extradition to the USA.
Canada and USA: www.MapInc.org