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Students carry concealed weapons in response to U-District crime
By Lexie Krell
October 27, 2009
UW senior Stanley Luong has a concealed-pistol permit and carries a handgun.
Stanley Luong displays the Kel Tek PF-9 9 mm Luger pistol he carries with him for protection. Concealed weapon permits, like Luong’s, can be obtain from the Seattle Police Department.
Senior Stanley Luong walks down the Ave yesterday with a concealed handgun. Luong has been robbed four times and carries a handgun for protection.
The scar on the forehead of Stanley Luong remains as evidence of the pistol whipping he received during the strong-arm robbery of his residence in the U-District last year.
He has also been robbed on four different occasions.
Luong’s personal experience with robbery and crime in the U-District led him to create the Facebook group “University of Washington Campus Vigilantes,” with the intent to patrol the Ave with other students who had also obtained concealed-pistol permits.
“After something like that happens to you, you get really paranoid … and having a gun helps you move on,” Luong said. “You feel safer … like you’re in control of the situation or have some control if something happens.”...cont'd @ The Daily UW.com