Vaccine Refusers Labeled Extremists In UK
England Chief Medical Officer Calls H1N1 Vaccine Resistors “Extremists”
Comments ignorant of public backlash against swine flu shot
Steve Watson
Friday, Oct 30, 2009
The Chief Medical Officer in England has described those who are speaking out against the mass swine flu vaccination campaign as “extremists”.
The comment made by Sir Liam Donaldson, the government’s senior advisor on health matters, was highlighted in a Times of London article today.
“We have had a lot of unfair public criticism and attacks in an attempt to scare people about a vaccine that’s potentially life-saving,” Donaldson said in reference to anti-vaccination posters depicting the H1N1 shot as a “weapon of mass destruction”.
“We have seen it before with vaccines like MMR [the combined jab for measles, mumps and rubella], and now extremists are doing the same thing again.” he added.
Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish Health Secretary added:
“Vaccination is our best defence against this virus and I urge everyone who is in the priority groups to accept the vaccine when invited to do so.”
Donaldson’s remarks are ill thought out considering the fact that senior neurologists have voiced concerns over the adjuvants in the H1N1 flu vaccine and the fact that it has been rushed through safety procedures, with manufacturers provided with blanket immunity from potential lawsuits.
In addition, multiple opinion polls have revealed that half of GPs in Britain have severe reservations and doubts over the safety of the shot.
A much larger Nursing Times magazine poll in August also found that 30% of all frontline nurses said they would refuse to be immunized, with another 33% saying they were unsure over the vaccine.
50% of pregnant women in the UK have also said they will refuse the vaccine.
No matter, apparently the government believes you are an “extremist” if you don’t shut up and take it.
Donaldson’s comment is also especially relevant in the wake of news that police in Britain have defined political activism as “domestic extremism” and are treating people who attend demonstrations as criminals, cataloguing them on multiple national databases.