American Private Police Force Looks Like A United Nations Task Force - Civilian Police - (VIDEO)
Music by Paul Revere and the Raiders- Indian Reservation
Clip from Gulag USA movie by Texe Marrs, who also has a brand new blockbuster out called Rothchild's Choice.
This forum contains all of my research on this APF story.
Other websites I endorse
hr 1207
Office of Civilian Police and Rule of Law Programs
Contractors for United Nations CIVPOL
Civilian Police International
Homeland Security Corp. LLC
Pacific Architects and Engineers- CIVPOL
Badges in video
My IPTF Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina (from video)
Annex 11: International Police Task Force (dayton agreement)
Executive order # 13440- Special Interagency Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies.
Sec. 5. Special Interagency Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies.
(a) Establishment of Special Interagency Task Force. There shall be established a Special Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies (Special Task Force) to review interrogation and transfer policies.
(b) Membership. The Special Task Force shall consist of the following members, or their designees:
(i) the Attorney General, who shall serve as Chair;
(ii) the Director of National Intelligence, who shall serve as Co-Vice-Chair;
(iii) the Secretary of Defense, who shall serve as Co-Vice-Chair;
(iv) the Secretary of State;
(v) the Secretary of Homeland Security;
(vi) the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;
(vii) the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and
(viii) other officers or full-time or permanent part time employees of the United States, as determined by the Chair, with the concurrence of the head of the department or agency concerned.
(c) Staff. The Chair may designate officers and employees within the Department of Justice to serve as staff to support the Special Task Force. At the request of the Chair, officers and employees from other departments or agencies may serve on the Special Task Force with the concurrence of the head of the department or agency that employ such individuals. Such staff must be officers or full-time or permanent part-time employees of the United States. The Chair shall designate an officer or employee of the Department of Justice to serve as the Executive Secretary of the Special Task Force.
(d) Operation. The Chair shall convene meetings of the Special Task Force, determine its agenda, and direct its work. The Chair may establish and direct subgroups of the Special Task Force, consisting exclusively of members of the Special Task Force, to deal with particular subjects.
(e) Mission. The mission of the Special Task Force shall be:
(i) to study and evaluate whether the interrogation practices and techniques in Army Field Manual 2 22.3, when employed by departments or agencies outside the military, provide an appropriate means of acquiring the intelligence necessary to protect the Nation, and, if warranted, to recommend any additional or different guidance for other departments or agencies; and
(ii) to study and evaluate the practices of transferring individuals to other nations in order to ensure that such practices comply with the domestic laws, international obligations, and policies of the United States and do not result in the transfer of individuals to other nations to face torture or otherwise for the purpose, or with the effect, of undermining or circumventing the commitments or obligations of the United States to ensure the humane treatment of individuals in its custody or control.
(f) Administration. The Special Task Force shall be established for administrative purposes within the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice shall, to
the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations, provide administrative support and funding for the Special Task Force.
(g) Recommendations. The Special Task Force shall provide a report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Counsel to the President, on the matters set forth in subsection (d) within 180 days of the date of this order, unless the Chair determines that an extension is necessary.
(h) Termination. The Chair shall terminate the Special Task Force upon the completion of its duties.
UN Global Police CIVPOL goes domestic
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ccdo/nonflash.html (WEED and SEED snitch program)
Strategic Approaches to Community Safety
Although many law enforcement entities join forces with agencies in their
communities to respond to crime, relatively few do so in a systematic,
integrated way to analyze information and develop strategic plans to
reduce a specific, targeted problem. Cities that have experienced the
greatest reductions in crime, such as Boston and New York, have made
remarkable efforts to collectively and comprehensively gather and analyze
information from multiple agencies. Together, these groups analyze
patterns and trends that define the precise nature of a problem, suggest
strategic opportunities for interventions, and develop efficient ways to
employ limited resources.
The Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative, or SACSI, is a
2-year Department of Justice project intended to establish integrated and
systematic approaches in five pilot cities:
o Indianapolis, Indiana.
o Memphis, Tennessee.
o New Haven, Connecticut.
o Portland, Oregon.
o Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
SACSI bolsters the use of a collaborative, knowledge-driven,
problem-solving process through which groups can better identify and
analyze their local problems and devise and implement strategies likely to
reduce them. It builds on the knowledge gained from other comprehensive
efforts, which have encouraged collaborations among Federal, State, and
local agencies.[12]
Features of the Justice Department's Support
Numerous components of the Justice Department are partners in the
program: the Office of the Associate Attorney General, Criminal Division,
Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, Intergovernmental Affairs, and the
Office of Justice Programs, which includes the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Executive Office of Weed and
Seed, National Institute of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, Office of
the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.